Are you ready for your clothes to fit better?
Are you ready to feel happier and more energized, confident, and strong?
Only deteriorating your health and wellness?
Have you tried and tried again, to quit smoking and failed over and over again?
stress you carry on your shoulders?
Are you ready to feel lighter, more at ease, and quiet in your mind?
Our services include Weight Loss, Stress Management, and Stop Smoking.
Sessions are available in person or online.
Start your Transformational Journey Today!
You’ve got nothing to lose and so much to gain.
Get ready to feel, to hear, and to see the change that Hypnosis can bring to your life right now.
Tapping into the power of your subconscious mind with Hypnosis, you will not only lose weight, but you will keep it off for good.
By relearning how to use your subconscious mind, we at Hamilton Hypnosis can help you take actionable steps toward your goals and outcomes.
Hypnosis techniques will allow you to live the full, happy, and stress-free life that you deserve.

Hi I’m Tawnya Jacques, your Consulting Hypnotist, and Director of Hamilton Hypnosis.
Before starting Hypnosis for myself, I never knew how to get past old feelings of unforgiveness. I was living with continuous guilt and shame, fear and mistrust.
My coping mechanisms were to put up walls and to constantly try to prove that I was always right. I felt inferior and controlled by my thoughts, continually worried about what others thought of me.